Structural and semantic pecularities of characters' names in English, Russian and Ukrainian fairy tales.


  • Yuliia Mieriemova Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса, м. Вінниця


Introductory provisions. The proper names of literary work make up special system of names which accumulates and stores important historical and cultural information about people's life. Proper names cannot be taken under consideration without the specific cultural and historical context, even if characters’ names of fairy tales discourse based on folk tradition of naming. The topicality lies in insufficient study of fairy-tale characters' names in comparative aspect based on English, Russian and Ukrainian fairy tales. The aim of the study is to provide structural and semantic analysis of characters' names of fairy-tale discourse in English, Russian, Ukrainian languages. The object of the study is characters’ names in fairy-tales of 19th -21th centuries in three languages. The subject of the research is structural types and semantic peculiarities of characters’ names in English, Russian and Ukrainian fairy-tales. The material of the study was obtained by overall analysis in English, Russian and Ukrainian fairy-tales (150 fairy-tales) and 1246 units (proper names).

Биография автора

Yuliia Mieriemova, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса, м. Вінниця

аспірант кафедри теорії і практики перекладу факультету іноземних мов

Библиографические ссылки

Horbanevsky M.V. Onomastics in literature [Text]: philological studies/ M.V. Horbanevsky. - Moscow: Publishing House of the Peoples' Friendship University, 1988. - 37 p.

Sarnowska-Giefing, Irena. Od onimu do gatunku tekstu : Nazewnictwo w satyrze polskiej do 1820 r. / Irena Sarnowska-Giefing ; Uniw. im.A. Mickiewicza ; [Inst. Filologii Pol.]. - Poznan : Wyd-wo nauk. UAM, 2003. - 300 s.



